Today, undergoing a surgical procedure need not be an unpleasant ordeal. In fact, thanks to modern advances in medical technology, anesthesia and pain medication—as well as caring personnel—patients return home the same day as their procedure.
Many types of procedures can be performed at our outpatient facilities including facelift, breast augmentation, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), liposuction, and almost all other cosmetic procedures. The surgeon will make the decision to perform the surgery either in-office or at the hospital after reviewing the patient’s medical history and risk factors. In general, the best candidates for outpatient procedures are generally healthy and have a good support system at home to help care for them.
Benefits of Outpatient Surgery Include…
Safety – Complications are rare in our AAAASF certified facilities
Cost – Fees are lower than hospital-based facilities
Less impersonal – Most people would prefer to recuperate in the comfort of their homes
Convenience – The entire experience is faster, easier, and less stressful
Where Does Outpatient Surgery Take Place?
Outpatient procedures at PPSD are performed at state-of-the-art, AAAASF-accredited surgical facilities in of Charlotte, Gastonia, Shelby, Hickory, Lake Norman and surrounding cities. Operations may also take place at affiliated hospitals if deemed necessary. Caring, experienced registered nurses provide care before, during, and after surgery. Our operating rooms are staffed in the same manner as at major hospitals for your comfort and safety.
What Can I Expect From Outpatient Surgery?
Patients are asked to arrive at least an hour prior to their scheduled procedure. This allows for ample time to check in, fill out any additional forms, review the planned procedures, and ask any additional questions. During surgical preparation, an IV will be started and the patient is placed in an appropriate gown. The doctor and nurse will double check medical history– including any allergies or special conditions, and review the planned procedure with the patient. Any remaining questions can be addressed at this time. An experienced CRNA will also review the planned procedure and anesthetic with the patient before the procedure is started.
Once the surgery is complete, the patient is moved to the recovery room under the care of an experienced registered nurse until awake. Sometimes patients are disoriented, woozy or nauseous when they wake up. The surgeons, CRNAs and nurses closely monitor patients in the recovery room and administer necessary medications while reassuring the patient that all has gone well.
After the anesthesia has worn off, the IV is detached and the patient can be cleared for discharge. A responsible friend or family member must drive the patient home and be present for the first 24 hours after surgery.
After Surgery
It’s best for those undergoing outpatient procedures to schedule helpers in advance to assist with driving, childcare and simple chores. Drowsiness, nausea, fatigue, aches and pains, headaches, swelling, bruising and numbness are all common after a procedure. Any expected symptoms and home care instructions will be addressed by the doctor or nurse as part of a detailed aftercare plan. Medication is provided to minimize any discomfort as well as nausea. Clients receive contact telephone numbers for their surgeon should any questions or concerns arise during the healing process.
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